Ders Katalogları

COM 101_Computer and Engineering Programming

ENR 102_Manufacturing Process

ENR 112_Workshop

ENR 122_Material Science

ENR 201_Fluid Mechanics

ENR 202_Thermodynamics

ENR 211_Engineering Mechanics

ENR 212_Strength of Materials I

ENR 221_Num_Analysis of Eng_Sys

ENR 222 Strength of Materials II

ENR 232_Hydraulic and Pneumatic

ENR 301_Heat Transfer

ENR 311_Machinery Elements

ENR 321_Otomatic Control Systems

ENR 331 Engineering Measurements

ENR 341 Structural Dynamics

 ENR 351_MechatronicsENR 351_Mechatronics

ENR 361 Statics

ENR 371 Dynamics

ENR 401_Refrigeration and HVAC Systems

HSS 201_General English I

HSS 202_General English II

HSS 212_Economic Geography

HSS 222_Economics

HSS 301_Research Methods and Statistics

HSS 311_International Relations And Global


HSS 341 Engineering Ethics

HSS 351 Environment and Society

HSS 361_Effective Communication

MCH 100_Maritime Chemistry

MCH 100L_Maritime Chemistry Lab

MEN 201_Marine Diesel Engines I

MEN 202_Marine Diesel Engines II

MEN 211_Workshop Training-I_rev

MEN 212_Marine Auxialiary Machinery I

MEN 301_Engine Room Simulator I

MEN 302_Onboard Training

MEN 311_Marine Boilers and Operation

MEN 321_Operation&Maint of Marine Eng

MEN 331_Workshop Training-II

MEN 401_Oper_of Steam & Gas Turbines

MEN 402_Graduation Design Project

MEN 411_Marine Auxialiary Machinery II

MEN 412_Engine Room Simulator (ERS) II

MEN 421_Marine Diesel Engines III

MEN 431_Engine Room Management and Leadership

MST 101_Intro to Mar Sciences and Ethics

MST 102_Maritime Safety and Security

MST 201_Ship Construction and Stability

MST 202_Maritime English II

MST 211_Maritime Conventions

MST 212_Ship Emergency Responce

MST 221_Maritime English I

MST 222_Marine Electronics

MST 231_Maritime English I

MST 232_Meteorology

MST 241_Marine Electrotechnics

MST 242_Marine Communication

MST 251_Business Logistics

MST 252_Radio Watchkeeping

MST 261_Rowing and Canoe-Kayak Sports

MST 262_Maritime English II

MST 271_Sailing

MST 272_Maritime Human Resources Management

MST 282_Maritime History and Culture

MST 292_Marine Environment Protection

MST 301_Technical Ship Management

MST 302_Corros_Foul in Marine Env

MST 311_Maritime Law I

MST 321_Organizational Man. and Behavior in Maritime

MST 331_Shipping Finance

MST 341_Ship Supply Chain Management

MST 361 Marine Gas and Steam Power Plants

MST 401_Maritime Safety

MST 402_Mar_Security_Quality Man_Systems

MST 403_Design of Marine Engines and Systems

MST 411_Marine Engines

MST 412_Ship Surveying Procedures


MST 421_Meteorology and Oceanography

MST 422_Maritime Law II

MST 431_Transportation Systems

MST 432_Commercial Ship Management

MST 441_Deck Machinery

MST 442_Intro_to Maritime Traffic Engineering

MST 451_Marine Insurance

MST 452_Port Management

MST 461_Terminal and Tanker Operations

MST 462_Seafarers Health and Safety

MST 471_Advanced Propulsion System_Duzenlenmis

MST 472_Marine Accidents and Safety Culture

MST 481_Marine Piping Systems

MST 482_Maritime Policies 

MST 491_Cargo Handling Systems

 MST 492_Vibrations of Marine Engines and Systems

MTH 117_Mathematics I

MTH 118_Mathematics II

MTH 203_Differential Equations

MTH 204_Linear Algebra

MTM 102_Watchkeeping I

MTM 112_Seamanship

MTM 122_Introduction to Navigation

MTM 201_Terrestrial Navigation

MTM 202_Cargo Handling and Stowage I

MTM 211_Onboard Training-I

MTM 212_Electronic Navigation

MTM 301_E-Navigation Systems

MTM 302_Onboard Training III

MTM 311_Watchkeeping II

MTM 321_Celestial Navigation

MTM 331_Maritime Practical Studies

MTM 341_Onboard Training-II

MTM 401_Cargo Handling Simulator

MTM 402_Graduation Design Project

MTM 411_Cargo Handling and Stowage II

MTM 412_Ship Management and Leadership

MTM 421_Ship Handling and Manoeuvring

NAE 202 Ship Construction

NAE 211_Ship Geometry

NAE 212_High Speed Craft Design

NAE 222 Reliability of Ship Structure

NAE 232 Hydrodynamic Design of Ships

NAE 242 Stability Theory of Ships

NAE 302 Strength of Ships

NAE 311 Ship Theory

 NAE 312 Ship Design

NAE 321 Ship Hydrodynamics

NAE 331 Methods of Ship Production

NAE 341 Structural Design of Ships

NAE 351 Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics

NAE 402 Graduation Design Project

NAE 411 Ship Design Project I

NAE 412 Ship Design Project 2

NAE 421 Ship Motions and Maneuvering

NAE 431 Sailing

NAE 441 Yacht Design

NAE 451 Computer Aided Ship Design and Construction

NAE 461 Mechanics of Marine Structures

Nae 471 Warship Design

NTH 103 National History I

NTH 104_National History II

PHE 101_Physical Education

PHY 107_Physics I

PHY 107L_Physics I Lab

PHY 108_Physics II

PHY 108L_Physics II Lab

TDW 102_Technical Drawing

TDW 201_Technical Drawing_Comp_Aided

TUR 103_Turkish Language I

TUR 104 Turkish Language II


yer    Gazimağusa / KKTC

tlf    +90 392 630 50 00


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